Work produced by students under my instruction.
Ashley Franklin
Introduction to Digital Photography Personal Project
“For my personal project, I chose to create a series of images encapsulating what I find to be the pieces of my home. Throughout the series are images of supposedly unconnected people, places, and objects that each reflect a pivotal part of my life and identity. Home is often assumed to be the place where someone grew up and the house where they spent their childhood. For me, that is one component of a broader collection of what makes me feel at home. Home, on a larger scale, is where people feel tied to. It is the people that support them at their worst and their best, no matter how far apart they are or how long since they have seen each other. It is the places one reminisces about going when current life is troublesome. It is also the things that remind them of fond, irreplaceable memories.”
Devon Scott-Davis
Introduction to Digital Photography Personal Project
“For my personal project, titled Identity, I brought together photographs that I felt showed a sense of identity or the lack thereof. The overarching idea of this piece was to show how the identity of a being is not necessarily tied to their appearance rather the feeling that is given. The cat for example is seen as a hunter and a simple companion. This comes across in the pictures of the cat posed for attack or sitting calmly. When looking at the self portrait and the portrait of the man, the identity is not so straightforward. You can’t tell what they do or who they are. The jumble of cars on a flat landscape alludes to the idea that everyone is alike and our identities mesh. The bus stop hides the people inside but illuminates the ones standing just on the edge. The pictures on the wall barely show any faces but give the sense of friendship. Objects posed together tell a story of getting ready in the morning but an object, like a coffee mug, by itself feels lonely. Identity can be represented in many ways other than one’s appearance.”
Noah Haverlick
Art Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday
Introduction to Digital Photography Personal Project
“Four years certainly feels like a long time when you’re constantly in the throes of college, life, development, and finding yourself and your voice as a creative person. Throughout my years at college, I have had a constant internal struggle of trying to determine what my voice is, what it means, and how it fits into my community. With passing time, I began looking inward as well as surveying what art resonates with me. I have found both anxiety and security in knowing that my art is a result of my obsession with creating, and developing my own styles and tastes as a reflection of my inspirations. This final project is meant as an expression, and sort of story, that expresses my personal feelings on creating and development as an artist. The series shows my ideas of obsession and consumption, with the character shown, finding, obsessing over, consuming, then leaving behind a work of art that was something they had interest in. The character, literally pines after, imitates, and becomes the art. Then, leaving the work behind, another takes the spot. The use of analog mediums really helped in going more surreal to help make the themes of obsession and consumption far more impactful. Visually I think I achieved what I wanted but definitely could have explored or had more production design or carefully crafted visuals, but I still enjoy the gritty lo-fi nature of the photos. Overall, I think my piece works well and it was very engaging to explore and reflect on my identity and feelings about creation and consumption of art.”